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Get out Hosni Mubarak! Get out Manmohan Singh! Get out Posco! Down with corrupt regimes.

Green Party of India expresses its total and complete solidarity with the people of Egypt. Get out Hosni Mubarak! Resign instantly! 

India and Egypt are ancient friends and nothing should stand in the way of solidarity between the people. Banning the internet  shows the power of social media network technology -- nothing will stop the people of India and nothing will stop the people of Egypt. The culture of the people is freedom! Freedom is culture! Get out Hosni Mubarak! Get out Manmohan Singh! Get out Posco!

Let us be realistic. Revolution is inevitable in India because climate change is already happening. Capitalism and finance have lost their supremacy, America is declining and has nearly fallen, the competition for oil is wrecking the developed countries, they are hanging on by the skin of their teeth but they will not out last this year, developing countries see the developed world as having stood in the way too long, and the elites in the developing countries have hung in there with the West for two decades after the end of the cold war, but to no avail.

The West has nothing to offer. Technology is totally indigenous in every possible way. Renewable energy technologies are mature. Food science is all known, we know how to make clothes and build houses,  we are far advanced in agricultural sciences, our countries have been fooled by a patently mad global elite sucked into the vortex of global capitalism for far too long, everything the elites got from robbing their colonies and from oppressing their own people has come back to destroy them as the climate hits back. This is the end. The reorganisation of the world to get good food, good clothes, good homes, reliable and affordable health care, to protect plants, protect animals, stop fossil fuel based industrial development, throw out the elites is happening as we speak. This is all inevitable and irreversible.  The most important thing is to be the change.

We understand because we are the people. Let us know what we want. We want an end to  fossil fuels. An end to centralised government. An end to state-led Raubwirtschaft.

We want consolidation of land in the control of the gram sabhas.

We want local enterprises and local industries powered by modern communication systems in Indic languages.

This is all inevitable.

So take it! it is ours!

Solidarity with the people of Egypt - Get out Hosni Mubarak! 

Get out Manmohan Singh! 

Get out Posco! 

Down with corrupt regimes!   

If the elites are wise they will hand over power to the people. We will organise a peaceful exit from fossil fuels through cap and share and a transition national guaranteed minimum wage. This is not complicated. This is not difficult to understand. The internet is the most powerful revolutionary mass media in our hands. We will use it. We will reorganise this country peacefully.

Solidarity with the people of Egypt - Get out Hosni Mubarak! 

Get out Manmohan Singh! 

Get out Posco! 

Down with corrupt regimes.

Anandi Sharan for the Green Party of India


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