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Showing posts from March, 2011

Raul Castro on Cuba in Africa - Risquet

Aghostino Neto with Fidel   “…a historical imperative to express our gratitude…” Raul On reaching the 20th anniversary of the formation of the internationalist combatant columns of Cubans who carried out missions in Congo Leopoldville and Congo Brazzaville [...] I am honoured to accept the task commended to me by the leadership of the Party, the Council of State and the Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro , and thus award the Order of Ernesto Che Guevara and the Medal of Internationalist Combatants to the members of those units who had the privilege to be forerunners of the struggle of the peoples of Africa and Cuba against colonial oppression; for national independence and for the triumph and consolidation of socialism. Sending these contingents of men and women  to help represented the great strategic importance that our party and our commander has always placed on African revolutionary processes in their fight against imperialism and this action demonstrates how we identify

Police agent provocateurs in UK UNcut and Black Block

Police agent provocateur? We marched. The whole family. But if we marched then for everyone who was there we knew at least ten people each who would have liked to have been at the march but were in Leeds, Manchester or had a serious prior commitment. That means for the five of us there were another 40 people who we knew well, not including colleagues or schoolmates or classmates or people you just socialise with, who would have come. Those 500 thousand people were marching for at least an additional two million people they knew personally who would have liked to have been there. The best slogan for the march was : We are the Coalition for resistance And that is the truth. There was no overarching single issue. Everyone was there because they were being affected in some way individually, but what was very strange about the march was this: There were very many members of the intelligentsia on the march. Lecturers, journalists, people from the media, stude

Letter from Fidel Castro - Risquet, Cuba in Africa

Havana, 30th December, 1996 Year of Solidarity From:      Capt. Osmany Cienfuegos To:          Cmdr. Manuel Pinero Subject:   Cable for deciphering and dispatch Inform our comrades of this: To our military instructors, who have remained far from their country, fulfilling their historic mission of solidarity with our African brother peoples and who have raised the name of the Cuban Revolution very high, we send you warm and well-deserved greetings this Christmas. Revolutionary combatants, your firm and decisive action, to remain voluntarily by the side of our brother peoples, menaced and attacked by imperialism, shows how our people have reached a high level of proletarian internationalism and revolutionary socialism. We see Che's unshakable decision to fight and Camile's revolutionary idealism in your decision to act. Our party, the revolutionary armed forces and our people, who are all celebrating the 8th anniversary of the revolution, are proud of you and your se

Neo-colonialist aggression in Libya

Libyan Revolutionary Committees are the real targets of Cameron, Sarkozy and NATO NATO is a dinosaur. Pretending that NATO is some kind of defender of human rights is a sick joke. And now this transatlantic, anti-communist Frankenstein will coordinate the attack on Libya. NATO, that monstrous cold war regiment, should back off. But forget the hypocrisy of the intervention for the moment, because it is a reality. Now it is time for the Africans and Arab governments to step up and demand that NATO retire. It is time for the African Union and the Arab League to enter Libya instead, and make sure that there are free and fair elections - with the support of UN troops. If effective pressure is going to be placed on Qaddafi to resign it is not going to come from the people who killed one of Qaddafi's daughter in a bombing raid in the 80's - the US military. The effective pressure for the colonel to step down and organise fair elections will come from governments he has had a

Jorge Risquet Valdes Cuba in Africa 1

Che, Leader of the First Patricio Lumumba International Brigade The history of the second column could not be told before the feats of the First Column, which commander Ernest Che Guevara lead in the land of Patrice Lumumba, were made known. Only after this episode in the singular life of Che and those who made up the International Brigade in Africa were divulged, was it correct to speak about the modest efforts of his followers in the Second Column, made up of an active reserve, his second front in the valley of that great river which crosses the equatorial waist of the continent. The publication of Views of Passages on the Revolutionary War: Congo , where the heroic guerrilla relates and analyses this feat, made the present volume both possible and necessary and moreover, it allows us to see the actions of the First Column in their true light; as that first, audacious moment of a larger project whose ultimate objective was to contribute to the victory of our African brothers in

Manifesto of the Green Party of India

Manifesto and National Sustainable Development Plan 1. The Green Party of India is a nexus formal political party to unite workers whose livelihoods are being destroyed by land grabbing and other corporate incursion into knowledge and culture, water, soil, food, textile, construction materials, health, welfare, transport and social sectors, as well as timber extraction and resulting exclusion from traditionally used subsistence landscapes. This majority constituency does not have the considerable resources required to launch the Green Party of India by themselves to replace the current members of Parliament whose interests especially in relation to the manner of extraction of profit from land and the distribution of its benefits, diverge greatly from theirs. All Indians however can jointly mobilise on this agenda which is not only the agenda of the poor but the agenda of the country as a whole. This is the politics of the Green Party of India. All of us except the financ