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How to defeat Covid19

Set up a fully functioning health service free of charge for everyone and fund it properly with a generous tax rate of up to 90% on all high earners - generous to ordinary people, that is.
Improve citizens underlying condition. Ban low quality processed foods from sale anywhere. Make sure that only cruelty free animals and animal products are sold for meat, eggs milk and so on.
Encourage people to garden in the cities. Give everyone a country plot of land where they can grow an orchard or vegetables. In this way you promote exercise and healthy eating.
Fund scientific solutions Invest heavily in universities, especially in the most advanced areas of medical research.
Make medicine more affordable. Control the big pharmaceuticals and force them to give the recipes for useful drugs over shorter time periods in order to get cheaper generic, widely available drugs.
Provide quality free health education on all aspects of human health and health protection and the prevention of diseases.
Provide sports facilities for every one of every age to improve their overall health; facilities from bowling greens to football grounds and give the playgrounds stolen from schools back to them for the children to use and get fit.
Build proper, isolated cycle lanes in every British city, like Amsterdam and provide free cycles for people too. Make the very centre of all cities and towns car free. Make public transport spacious, frequent clean and affordable.
Encourage trust in politics by ensuring a rigorous democratic selection process before every election so that MPs and local council officials are kept honest and answerable. Make it very difficult for people to have full professional carrears as politicians. Increase citizen participation in all political processes.
Provide people with good pensions and affordable housing. Give people without jobs good money to live on healthily. Reward all carers generously, especially family members.
Ensure a living wage and good working conditions for all employees in the public and private sectors so that people have the leisure time and money they need to eat healthily and exercise. Encourage worker participation on company boards.
Make contingency plans for epidemics and learn from the lessons of previous epidemics in order to mitigate the problems. Buy in sufficient equipment to handles such a crisis and make preparations through the WHO to combat pandemics in a coordinated and effective way in future.


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