Friday, July 16

The revolting British comprador class

 Let's talk about the British Comprador class
Playboy describes Alinsky as being "one of the great leaders of the non-socialist left". That just about says it all.

We need to revive and re-examine the whole idea of the reality of a comprador class existing in places like Britain. It's workings are laid bare so often and so frequently.

The British comprador class is an unholy melange of British politicians, academics, journalists, city boys and girls and corporate employees all working in the interests the US capitalist metropolis.

There are always the inevitable parallels with the United States: it's lazy thought, isn't it. To import ideologues from the USA and assume that what they have to offer ielevant here too.

Luke Bretherton in the Guardian witters on about Alinsky. Alinsky this, Alinsky that. Where are the lessons drawn from theorists coming from, Belgium, Mexico or Indonesia? No. It's got to be this obsessive and crawly transatlanticism all the bloody time.

That's why we're in such shit right now.

David Cameron dismantelling the welfare state and bringing us into a new dawn of Americana.

As if Micheal Moore never existed. Don't they watch these movies. Haven't those Conservative pricks seen 'Sicko' and 'Bowling for Colombine' and 'Capitalism: a Love Affair?' Why the hell do they think that dismantelling the state will help. Why do we have to move towards the fringe of a nightmarish world of extreme poverty in the city centres and vast wealth concentrated even more in the hands of a few.

The British comprador class is an unholy melange of British politicians, academics, journalists, city boys and girls and corporate employees all working in the interests the US capitalist metropolis.

The "hard but necessary medicine" is, in truth, an attack on the state as a means of redistributing wealth. Cameron's bunch don't see why THEY should have to pay so that the proles get educated, don't starve, get cured and retire.

And it's not about the relative poverty that the plebs are willing to put up with, it's about the poverty the establishment is comfortable contemplating. Just how much misery are they willing to have to contemplate in return for less taxes and more profit? Quite a lot.

But we get the influence the other way too.

These incredibly insipid, tentative watered down 'Liberal' ideas from a place called the USA where a President who wants universal health cover is accused of being a communist. Bretherton and Miliband tout the ideas of Saul Alinsky. According to Playboy: Alinsky, a leader of "the non-socialist left". Fucking hell. That just says it all.

The revolting comprador class looking for a golden meal ticket will self-censor and refrain from criticising US imperialism at all costs.

The only way you can understand the complete obsession of the media and the upper levels of academia for anything coming out of the US and the frenzied desire to 'engage' with any half-arsed theory coming out of the US, is by pointing to Piers Morgan.

All the luckiest British journalists and academics will go to US heaven and get paid big bucks. And they must be ever so ever so ever so careful not to say ANYTHING that could ever compromise the possibility of that golden ticket.

A bit like Tony Blair in the last two years of his premiership. He knew which side his bread was buttered on. He compromised British sovreignity in order to get a cushy number promoting US foreign policy objectives after his premiership.

In other countries and at other times that would be called high treason.

And this is the only way I can imagine that such a pathetic, lukewarm, irrelevant set of half formed inappropriate ideas as those proposed by people like Alinsky could ever be put forward here as viable propositions.




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