Wednesday, March 31

David Cameron, please tell Sid and his Neighbourhood Watch social entrepreneurs to piss off.

Cameron's Tory recidivism will send us back to the society of pre-war Britain.

"Red Toryism derives largely from a British Tory and imperialist tradition that maintained the unequal division of wealth and political privilege among social classes can be justified, if members of the privileged class contribute to the common good."

Under the cover of social entrepreneurship and community the Tories and Cameron plan to privatise all aspects of state service provision and send us back to pre-war Britain.
The devil quotes scripture and Cameron is sweetening his plans to sell off the whole state apparatus of Britain, with the possible exception of the army and the police, with talk about the importance of community which he seems to think of as a Neighbourhood Watch writ large.

Like the fascists in the 1930s and Thatcher in the 80s he hides behind words. But he can tell Sid and the Neighbourhood Watch to piss off, as far as I'm concerned.

The example is a little extreme, but did you know that when the fascists took power in Germany many people thought it was a terribly good thing because the Nazis sent workers on holidays and introduced heating allowances for the elderly and looked after war veterans. They thought fascism and the Nazis were providing friendly and caring government. Underneath the warm and bollocking guff about communities Cameron came out with today is precisely what I was discussing on my previous blog. The sell off of the state apparatus to the private sector and the complete destruction of social democracy.

Do you remember Thatcher's bribes to the populace? That they could buy shares in British Gas and British Telecom and buy their own homes and buy shares in the public utilities. Where have those shares ended up? In the pockets of the wealthy. In the pocket of Cameron's mob: the establishment with its sinecure on power through the self selection procedure of money, elite public schooling and Oxbridge.

Ordinary people, apparently, will be in a position to bid to take over the running of public services. F****** Sid and his mob of Norman Tebbit, racist neo-Thatcherite Sun and Sunday Times reading, self interested, Neighbourhood Watch, proto-fascist scum.

But in addition to Sid and the odd deluded liberal, private companies will be encouraged to tender. The complete takeover of the state by private interests is projected. Education, the NHS, municipal services, absolutely everything. At least a quarter of Britain's Gross Domestic Product.

What this will effectively mean is the complete destruction of social democracy. Under the guise of community and the Victorian facade of "voluntary work" Cameron will destroy our social democracy and make the private sector all powerful in Britain and we will soon be heading for a US style country but without the advantages of imperial hegemony..

The devil quotes scripture, Cameron speaks of communities. Don't believe a word the Tory estate agent bastard says.

By Phil Hall



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