Criminal Justice Bill 1994 Demo Clash
I am not really a political animal, more a political inanimate. But reading some of the contributions to this blog, I know many of you are, your passion is apparent and whether I agree or not with what is being said at times, I like the idea it is being said.
So, I thought I would offer up this image (if only to banish Bob Dylan and his backlit hair) - I went to the rally on false pretenses,kind of. I had enrolled on a part time evening photography course, for beginners. After a few weeks we were asked to put some of what we had learned into practice, I thought I would test myself (and my skills) to the full by attending the demonstration with only my 35mm SLR for protection (there was talk of organised trouble).
I was at the Embankment in London as the crowd gathered. All of a sudden I was in a scrum in amongst the seasoned photojournalist all desperate to get the perfect protester shot. I was petrified. The police were on one side, the protesters on the other and we were in the middle as both sides closed in on us, ready to clash, keen to clash. I snapped away in panic and got this shot. I love it, but I remember thinking at the time that there was an element of collusion - the protester staring at me posed, cooly, unruffled by the commotion about him - he was a professional, a photogenic one at that.
I didn't go to Hyde Park afterwards when things really kicked off, I had the shot I wanted.
For those of you wishing to know more about the day, here is a link to a blog-
Labels: "Criminal Justice Bill" "Demonstration" "Demo Clash"
The picture looks like a tribute to 1968. It could have been taken then. Which makes me wonder what is the meaning of it is. Is it merely about people chaos and disordering their environment? And what's the meaning of that? Is the photo merely an exercise in style?
TQB is physically scared of the demo and shy to associated with its ends. But he correctly senses that there is tacit collusion between him and the poseurs from the SWP.
I'm not sure if these are like 1968. They are much prettier, better fed, clothed, and groomed. I bet they smell better too and don't smoke.
Also the photo is very much underexposed. That's quite hard to do these days. What happened?
Underexposed - I meant to add that this is a photo I took of a photo i took! The original was on 35mm negative film, all I did the other night was take a photo of the photo! Hence the poor quality. My posting was more - the pose I suppose. At the time I remember thinking - this is not an exclusive, this young man will be captured by many.
When I took it I was reminded of MASH, yes, there is definitely something old fashioned about the protester. Unfortunately there was no sign of Hot Lips Houlihan!
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