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CU Mash-up

Hiya Phil, and Ars Notoria,
The link you have given for “Dominic Tweedie” on the right-hand side of Ars Notoria goes to one part of the CU mash-up, but which is not the most lively part.
The CU blog is at It might be a better link to give.
Each blog post causes the CU blog to shoot an e-mail to a Google Group, which is at, from where it fans out to a couple or three thousand e-mail subscribers.
The Communist University wikispace web site is at A lot of stuff is archived there.
Then there is a funky library of documents (the former CU "CD") at: That is the one you have linked to. It’s useful, but it’s not dynamic.
The whole ensemble, as it was and basically still is, can be seen in a downloadable diagram on the amadlandawonye site. I thought I was hell-on clever when I did this until I realised that lots of people were doing stuff like that and it even had a name, mash-up.
The de facto main discussion forum for the CU is the lively YCLSA Discussion Forum.
Plug-in City is a one-stop way in to a whole lot of other Google Groups.
My e-mail address is
A lot of the material I use comes from, which is a veritable treasure trove.
There is a Communist University page on the SACP web site, of which the home page is
Here are the “consoles” of the eight newly re-edited CU Generic Courses:

Domza, VC


Philip Hall said…
Thank you Dom,

It's wonderful that you are joining in with our eclectic collective blogging enterprise.

There are pots of poets here too.

We are gathering steam. There are several administrators, but Ars Notoria is quite new so we are letting it flow a little before promoting it.

I would love to see a response from Anderson or Dan to your first blog.

Again. Great. Lovely that you joined in.

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